Documentary. 90 min. RELEASED at hotdocs,AWARDS: GOLDEN STARFISH AWARD AT Hamptons International Filmfestival, new york. Honorable Mention Documentary Award AT TEMPO FILMFESTIVAL, STOCKHOLM

  • DIRECTOR & SCRIPT: Tora MÃ¥rtens
  • PrODUCER: Antonio Russo Merenda
  • CINEMATOGRAPHY: Erik Vallsten
  • FILM EDITOR: Tora MÃ¥rtens
  • Music: Andreas Unge
  • Sound Design: Micke Nyström
  • GRAPHIC DESIGN: The Apartment
  • PRODUCTION: Hysteria Film

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Fernando’s life in Stockholm seems to be going nowhere. He is struggling with substance abuse and his mother wants him to go and spend time with his older brother Pablo in Colombia. Pablo has a plan on how to get Fernando clean in six months. They set out on a journey filled with trials and tribulations that put their relationship to the test. The film was recently awarded The Golden Starfish Award at Hamptons International Filmfestival in New York. Read the motivation.

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